How to upload a youtube video from youtube
How to upload a youtube video from youtube

Watching competitor’s videos makes you fall into the trap of not producing unique creative content. Gather all your ideas and think of what you can make out of them.Ī competitor’s channel can give you extra ideas, too, but don’t overuse it. Do a little research and pay attention to the keywords used in a search and autosuggestions provided by the engine. Search engine optimization can be tricky to understand, but eventually, you will get the general idea of how it works: the broader the search, the more competition. Find your niche and create content that is SEO-based (which means your content is optimized for search engines). Figure out what people are actually looking for on YouTube.

how to upload a youtube video from youtube

If you’re still not sure what topic to choose, try another tack. For example, instead of talking at length about what kinds of moisturizing products there are, tell your audience about your own experience using five beauty products under $25. Consider this when looking for good video ideas, and remember that it’s best to choose a narrow subject.


Fan of skateboarding? Perfect! Why not tell everyone how to assemble a skateboard on your own and tailor it to your needs? Sharing your skills and specific experience is the best way to make YouTube videos. Tell your audience about the ways to make a cute DIY-present for a friend. For instance, you can use your skill and creativity to deliver information to the viewers via DIY videos. Instead of looking for YouTube ideas for beginners, think of what you’re good at. To win the love and appreciation from your audience, create helpful videos that solve a specific problem. You can gain more viewers by being hilarious or using cool video effects, but success is likely to be temporary. Also, if you’re not an expert on the chosen subject, it will show. Bringing up a trendy topic won’t make your videos more popular if you’re not really into it.

how to upload a youtube video from youtube

Of course, the easiest way to make YouTube videos is to talk about things you personally find interesting. The first thing every YouTuber has to do is figure out what the future videos (or even the entire channel) will be about. The following tips for making YouTube videos touch the subject of choosing the right topic and getting to know your audience. Indeed, creating videos is not as easy as it may seem: it requires a step-by-step content plan, well-thought-out strategy, and understanding of the ultimate purpose of your clips. So you’ve decided to become a YouTube video maker, but you don’t know where to start.

How to upload a youtube video from youtube